Follow our easy “how to guide” when installing your new stone product!


  • CASTLITE STONE - (Manufactured by Forest Stone, Inc. in Greeley, Co.)

  • A stone veneer approximately 1 to 3 inches in thickness, depending on the stone type. Weighing approximately 5 to 8 lbs per square foot.


  • Galvanized roofing nails, screws, or staples (approx. 1 ½” long)

  • SAND - Clean masonry sand

  • CEMENT - Portland and Masonry

  • METAL LATH - 2.5 Diamond Metal Lath


*Alternative is to use Masonry Mix which has the sand already in the mix.


Existing surface must present a firm and unified base for the veneer. On exterior applications (other than cement foundations ) you need to have a layer of 15 lb Felt Paper applied before installing wire lath.


If not using alternative, mix ½ bag of Portland cement, ½ bag of masonry cement, and 3- 5 Gal. Buckets of masonry sand. The same mix is used for the scratch coat, setting , and the grouting of the stone. Masonry coloring may be added and thoroughly mixed in the mortar.


Application Step 1

Apply 15 lb felt paper (if needed)

Apply metal lath (if needed) using galvanized roofing nails, screws or staples.

(approx 1 1/2” long) to secure lath tightly to existing surface overlapping at least 3”.

Apply the scratch coat, approximately 1/2” thick and completely covering the lath.

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Application Step 2

Apply the mortar to the back side of stone to be placed, press stone firmly to adhere the stone onto the surface. Using a level is very important on some types of stone.

Fill in all joints between stones using a grout bag. After joints have become firm to the touch, use a blunt instrument to partially rake out the joint.

Application Step 3

Finish smoothing and cleaning joints with a stiff brush. Using the same brush clean the face of the stone before the grout permanently hardens.

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A clear sealer may be applied where needed.

A sealer would be recommended if the stone will be subject to a lot of moisture.

Be sure the sealer is compatible to the product and follow manufacturers recommendations.